Colin accepted my challenge and updated the new group blog. I’m thinking maybe we should all have a blog-off on here…Is there a Guinness World Record of consecutive blog entries?? Should we try to set one?? I’m game!
I’m going going to continue on Colin’s theme of BlogPhiladelphia feeling like a Silicon Valley event. I’m stoked to hear that because that was the intent. Philly is entirely too well kept of a secret in the technology sector.
The area as a whole is a hotbed of talent and should be recognized as such. That’s the thing that kills me, even more after meeting so many more talented people at BlogPhiladelphia. Why *isn’t* the New York Times writing about Stan’s toonamation? Why haven’t the WSJ done an item on Twitterholic (a collaboration with local Alex Hillman)?
Personally, I think we need a catchy name. Forget the Silicon. Forget Alley’s and Valley’s. We need to think of something else. Something that represents Philly’s unique flavor and tech talent.
19 Responses
Colin Devroe
17|Jul|2007 1Social City?
17|Jul|2007 2techadelph?
17|Jul|2007 3Open Grid
after Penn’s Grid…
17|Jul|2007 4blogadelphia?
maybe that’s too much with the philadelphia mashups…..
(hi, i’m new btw. came here by way of jen simmons/creativecamp. am interested in joining in the fun!)
Colin Devroe
17|Jul|2007 5Philadelphia 2.0? *chuckles*
Alex Hillman
17|Jul|2007 6Welcome Lauren! Hey everyone…Lauren is responsible for the name Independents Hall! She gave us the idea at CreativeCamp back in September. How cool!
18|Jul|2007 7Hey Alex! Thanks for the shout-out! Yeah, I totally dropped off the face of the interwebs/RL planet for a while there. Last few creativecamps I couldn’t make. But I’m bag with a vengence and looking to get back in touch/involved again with cool stuff.
(do you have any idea what’s up with the next cc? all i get from the wiki nowadays is spam edits, ugh) i should email maryhelen.
18|Jul|2007 8Also, Philadelphia 2.0 wins at life.
18|Jul|2007 9I always think how smart “Independents Hall” is for a name. And someone (maybe Emily of Nat Geo?) said the same thing.
But, yea, I have no idea what Philly’s Silicon Valley should be named. Liberty Brain? Doi.
Alex Hillman
18|Jul|2007 10Lauren,
Drop me an email, I’ll get you in the loop with what’s going on in the Hood these days.
18|Jul|2007 11Hi Lauren,
If I remember from CreativeCamp correctly, you were into Mac video. My stuff is a bit farther along, including an FCP plugin, so when you get a chance you might want to drop by my site and take a look. My tech is not yet available for people to use on the web for free or cheap, and I want to keep moving towards that, including hopefully through Viddler.
I saw in a recent conversation you had with Chris Messina that you mentioned that there were at least five CreativeCamp attendees at BlogPhiladelphia. The ones that I can think of offhand were Lisa, myself, David Thomas, and you. Who am I overlooking?
18|Jul|2007 12Caroline — Thanks!
Alex — Sweet, thanks. Will do. Might post intro here as well to acquaint/update peeps about myself too.
Alex Hillman
18|Jul|2007 13@Stan MaryHelen was @ BlogPhiladelphia, too!
18|Jul|2007 14Stan,
Yes, you remember correctly. FCP all the way. I’d love to try the toonit plugin for fcp, but can’t afford it. So if you ever need any betas (or alphas, or whatever), let me know!
19|Jul|2007 15Here’s some (kinda lame) suggestions:
Tech Phanatics
Pretzel Logic
Silicon Alley
Philicon Valley
Michael Klusek
19|Jul|2007 16Great thread.
How about:
Philly – Land of Revolutionary Creativity
Philly – Innovation is Our History
PhillyLand – Home of History in the Making
PhillyLand – The MedTech Hub
Philly – Where Firsts are Second Nature
Philly – Still Innovative after all these Centuries
Philly – First in Inventiveness
Philly – Not Just Your Father’s City Anymore
Philly – Social Media Outlet
Philly – The Pulse is Quickening
20|Jul|2007 17Lauren,
We can always use high quality video demos, especially with original content. If you have some suitable footage, maybe we could do a trade.
26|Jul|2007 18Stan–
I definitely have some footage you could use! The last film I did was an urban fantasy thing, so it has a lot of potential as a toon I think. How would I get it to you–what format do you need?
28|Jul|2007 19Lauren,
Quicktime is fine. Depending on the size you can either mail it to me or send me a download link at stan at toonamation dot com. Looking forward to it.
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